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tratti dal profilo Facebook di Millo Bozzolan
L’ONORE DELLA PATRIA VENETA, difeso fino al sacrificio del proprio figlio.
Antonio Venier, Dux Venetorum.
Un esempio fulgido di moralità, spinta all’estremo, fino a sacrificare la vita del proprio figlio, ce lo offre il Doge Antonio Venier (1382-1400), che preferì fare morire in carcere il suo amatissimo erede, pur di non favorirlo con un provvedimento di clemenza.
Ecco quanto ci narra Pompeo Molmenti, nel suo volume “Le Dogaresse”: “Luigi Venier, figlio del Doge, aveva stretto una relazione con la moglie di un gentiluomo, tale Giovanni delle Boccole e, una notte, decise di dileggiarlo, attaccando sul ponte che prendeva il nome della famiglia del marito, un paio di corna e alcune scritte turpi e villane.
Dello sfregio codardo si conobbe l’autore, e l’offeso marito andò a lamentarse dal Doge, il quale ordinò che il figlio fosse posto subito in prigione.
Fu poi condannato a 100 lire di ammenda e a due mesi nei Pozzi.
Qui Luigi, preso da grave malattia, chiese di poter avere un poco di libertà onde rimettersi, ma il Doge inflessibile non volle accordarla, e il poveretto finì i suoi giorni in carcere.
La rigida severità paterna non si lasciò vincere neppure dall’angoscia della madre.
Era nell’animo di tutti che la Patria e l’onore dovessero andare innanzi agli stessi affetti di famiglia….” Si può immaginare lo strazio dei genitori, ma Antonio Venier preferì questo macigno nel cuore, all’onta di essere accusato di usare la carica massima per fini personali.
Il peso di questa pietra sulla sua coscienza, sarebbe stato persino maggiore.
Proprio un esempio per i pubblici amministratori e politicanti di turno italioti.


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  41. In recent times, Africa has appeared as a lively hub for songs and celebrity traditions, gaining international acknowledgement and influencing worldwide trends. African tunes, using its rich tapestry of genres like as Afrobeats, Amapiano, and highlife, has captivated audiences throughout the world. Major artists such as Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Tiwa Fierce, ferocious have not just dominated the graphs in Africa but have also made important inroads into the particular global music scene. Their collaborations along with international stars in addition to performances at major music festivals have got highlighted the continent’s musical prowess. The rise of electronic digital platforms and interpersonal media has even more amplified the access of African tunes, allowing artists to connect with fans across the planet and share their unique sounds and testimonies – https://nouvellesafrique.africa/defi-otr-presenter-des-examens-a-partir-d/.

    In addition to be able to its musical ability, Africa’s celebrity culture is flourishing, with entertainers, influencers, and even public figures requesting large followings. Celebs such as Lupita Nyong’o, Trevor Noah, and Charlize Theron, who have beginnings in Africa, are usually making waves around the globe in film, television, and fashion. These figures not only provide attention to their work but in addition reveal important sociable issues and cultural heritage. Their good results stories inspire some sort of new generation involving Africans to follow careers in the entertainment industry, cultivating a sense of pride in addition to ambition across typically the continent.

    Moreover, Black celebrities are progressively using their programs to advocate for change and provide back in their neighborhoods. From Burna Kid’s activism around social justice issues to be able to Tiwa Savage’s attempts in promoting education for girls, these public figures are using their influence with regard to positive impact. They are involved in various philanthropic activities, helping causes such while healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability. This specific trend highlights typically the evolving role of celebrities in Photography equipment, who are not only entertainers but furthermore key players inside driving social modification and development.

    Total, the landscape involving music and superstar culture in Photography equipment is dynamic and even ever-evolving. The continent’s rich cultural range and creative ability continue to garner intercontinental acclaim, positioning Cameras as a major force within the global entertainment industry. As African-american artists and celebs carry on and break barriers and achieve brand-new heights, they pave the way in which for a new more inclusive and diverse representation inside global media. Regarding those interested in staying updated about the latest tendencies and news in this vibrant scene, numerous platforms in addition to publications offer exhaustive coverage of Africa’s music and movie star happenings, celebrating the particular continent’s ongoing advantages to the entire world stage.

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