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Failure to observe the United Nations Charter and other rules of international law on the part of the Italian state and of ' O.N.U. ;

Events millennial history attribute the qualification of the Venetian People and Country Veneta allocated to the Gentiles in the territory of Venetie , which share the same language , with local variations more or less marked , spoken by millions of migratory Venetians and other Venetians million emigrants in the world that share the same history , the same traditions and the same culture .
Any human community freely united by a lasting feeling of belonging and having a common reference to its own culture , language and their own historical tradition , developed on a specific geographical area , constitutes a people , as is the Veneto . The nationality Veneta is the expression of identity of the Venetian People shared freely every member for their sense of belonging to that specific community of language, culture , tradition , religion , history .
The nationality Veneta complies and is expressed with the concept of nation Veneta designed to identify , qualify and enhance the plurality of the Gentiles Venetian allocated and sovereign over its territory.
 The Venetians have lived free and sovereign in the territories of the Republic of Venice until 1797.
Historically since 1797 the state has suffered employment Veneto Napoleonic army since 1815 and its territories were occupied the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Since 1866 there is also de jure and de facto occupation illegitimate, illegal, violent and repressive foreign State Italian, which today still acts to pay the Venetian People, along with its culture, its language, its traditions, its customs and traditions, impressive, even with the military repression, its administration, its institutions, its armed forces and police, also taking advantage of all the human resources, financial, tax, economic, capital, natural landscape; still continues to impose a cultural model, the mentality and customs totally alien to that of the Venetian People.
For these reasons, September 29, 2009 We are patriots of the Venetian People have formed the National Movement for the Liberation of the People Veneto (MLNV), pursuant to and for the purposes of the rules of international law, in order to liberate the territories of the Republic of Venice from 'Italian foreign occupation and to restore the sovereignty of the People Veneto .
The MLNV after its establishment has filed the " complaint of occupation , domination and colonization of the country by the foreign state Veneta Italian – Veneto claim of sovereignty of the people " at the UN Geneva on 28 September 2010 and at the UN in New York on 27 November 2011; the Administration of the United Nations to date has refused pretext of responding documentary of their deposit .
He then notified the Ultimatum Italian foreign state on 14 December 2010
Despite repeated acts of aggression committed by the state against the Italian MLNV and its militants , has followed up with the establishment of the Provisional Government Veneto ( GVP ) as the institutional apparatus of MLNV under and for the purposes of the First Protocol dell'art.96.3 Geneva of 1977

That said , again without getting any response , this National Liberation Movement of the People Veneto ( MLNV ) through its institutional set apart Veneto Provisional Government ( GVP ) has also complained to the International Court of Justice , the Italian government for the repeated and numerous illicit international , as follows :
In the spring of 1797 Venice was threatened closely, by land and sea.
All Domains "State by Tera" (mainland territories) had been invaded by French troops, launched in pursuit of the retreating Austrian regiments in Trento.
General Bonaparte , taking advantage of neutrality declared by the Serenissima , had seized all its larger cities and fortresses.
The Venetian People was dramatically exposed to any kind of violence, extortionists and robbed with arbitrary confiscations and frequent were the riots that raged against the occupier side of the Alps.A demonstration and confirmation of the desire to "annex" illegally territories of the Serenissima Republic of Venice remembers that April 17, 1796 Napoleon signed in Leoben, Styria, a preliminary peace with representatives of the Austrian Emperor Francis II.
In the secret clauses annexed to the Treaty Napoleon Bonaparte already ordered the transfer of the domains of the Republic of Venice Mainland Austrian Empire in exchange for the evacuation of the country Netherlands by the latter .With these clauses Austria would have to give Belgium and Lombard territories to France in exchange for the territories of the neutral Republic of Venice , including Istria and Dalmatia ;
Venice would survive only in the territories of Dogado.
The treaty will then be confirmed by the Treaty of Campo Formio , October 17, 1797 , including, however, the exchange also Venice itself .
Moreover , demonstrating and confirming the subsequent desire of Italian " annexation " illicitly territories of the Serenissima Republic of Venice to the Kingdom of Italy the prime minister of the kingdom of Sardinia Cavour ( then Kingdom of Italy ) had already designed and planned d ' agreement with Napoleon III in Plombières in 1858 to annex all the territories of the Republic of Venice in a realm of Italy under the domain of  Savoia.
With the fierce and bloody invasion , the violent repression and subsequent annexation of the territories of the other pre-unification states of the Italian peninsula , was born in 1861 the Kingdom of Italy by the Kingdom of Sardinia , private ( in 1860 ) the County of Nice and the Duchy of Savoy ( claimed by France ) .
Verbal agreements Plombiéres predicted for the realization of the political project of a common war France and the Kingdom of Sardinia against Austria in the meantime occupied territories of the Republic of Venice as prescribed in previous agreements of April 17, 1796 made with Napoleon in Leoben which was implemented by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 .
After the Congress of Vienna, the Italian peninsula was divided in a dozen states .
The Kingdom of Sardinia , ruled by the Savoy , regained the Piedmont and Savoy , and was further expanded with the territories of the former Republic of Genoa , without any right of objection by the latter and without plebiscite .
In the rest of the north of the Italian peninsula was formed the Kingdom of Lombardy -Venetia under the control of Austria , including the mainland territories of the Republic of Venice ( Veneto , Friuli and eastern Lombardy ) , which contrary to the guiding principles of the Congress was not reconstituted , together with the rest of Lombardy .
It was annexed by the Valtellina , for which the Swiss requests were rejected , that this valley – belongs to Switzerland from 1512 to 1797 – returned to Canton Grisons or had joined the Confederacy , as autonomous canton .
One that broke the Italian historiography defines as " War of Independence " , the project foundered due to the unilateral decision of Napoleon III to leave the conflict ( armistice of Villafranca ) , allowing the Kingdom of Sardinia to capture only a small part of the territories Veneto .
Austrian rule on the Venetian territories finally ceased in 1866 after the war declared on Austria by Prussia , in agreement with the Italian kingdom .
Subsequent peace agreements signed between Austria and Prussia forced Italians , isolated , to stop military operations and to accept an armistice
Austria , in agreement with Napoleon III entrusted the Venetian territories to France on condition that it was recognized at the Venetian People the right to choose their own future through a plebiscite .
But the plebiscite was held October 22, 1866 organized , controlled militarily and then exploited by the occupation authorities of the Kingdom of Italy .
Out of a population of 2,603,009 people , voters were 647 426 and 69 votes against .
Under the pretext of the plebiscite – scam the kingdom of Italy erased national borders of the Republic of Venice and imposed its rule with the adoption of the Royal Decree nr.3300 of November 4, 1866 .
It should be noted that the right to territorial integrity of a nation states at the dawn of international law with the so-called " Peace of Westphalia " in 1648.
In particular , since the times of classical international law the legal freedom came to the point that the states could agree with others their own extinction .
In the present case must be pointed out as the Republic of Venice has never agreed with the Kingdom of Italy , and with no other its own extinction .
The Venetian Republic was then still a right to expect from all the others were full respect of its territorial integrity and political independence ; Moreover , the war does not give the occupier occupatio Italian title to annex the Venetian territories occupied .
Annexations made lovely pendant are void .
The occupation of the Venetian territories can not produce the transfer to the state foreign occupier Italian , against the protest of the Venetian People sovereign , although Italy behaves mood domains .
Otherwise you should recognize regulatory effect ( ie the way of purchase of territorial sovereignty)  the principle of effectiveness .
The legal title of the Venetian People sovereign prevails effectiveness of the situation .
It states that it is to reject the argument that the mere passage of time may result in the transfer of the territory to a kind of acquisitive prescription , if the Venetian People sovereign it is inert .
The kingdom of Italy , after having invaded and militarily occupied the Venetian territories , deprived the Republic of Venice of its independence , its sovereignty and his freedom .
Thus violated and prevented the exercise of full sovereignty of the People Veneto , imposing and replacing its sovereignty , its administration, its institutions and its flag ( the Italian flag ) the sovereignty , administration , institutions and their flag of the Serenissima Republic (the Banner of St. Mark), as well as still continues to make the Italian state .
The Italian foreign state , from the date of its illegal occupation , prevents the Venetian People to exercise its sovereignty with its own institutions and interaction among its members for the pursuit of development and common progress according to their own customs and traditions as well as prevents him to legislate and establish its own legal statutes , codes , standards, and regulations with value and force of law for all members of society Veneta who have freely decided to make you part.
The Republic of Venice , to now deprived of its independence , sovereignty and freedom , has been divided by the state foreign occupier racist and colonialist Italian and today is managed by four ( 4 ) regional authorities in Italian .
Any human community freely united by a lasting feeling of belonging and having a common reference to its own culture , language and their own historical tradition , developed on a specific geographical area , constitutes a people .
Nationality is the expression of the identity of a people shared freely every member for their sense of belonging to that specific community of language, culture , tradition , religion and history .
The nationality complies and is expressed with the concept of nation destined to identify , qualify and enhance the diversity of the community of Peoples universally understood as humanity
.Having said that it is and must be considered the expression of Nationality Veneta typical of the Venetian People and its identity can be imposed and no Veneto Italian nationality .
Since the first French occupation of Napoleon in 1797 with the dispossessing the legitimate " Parliament Veneto " ( Great Council ) and the subsequent Austro-Hungarian domination imposed by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 , there have been several outbreaks of the Venetian People against foreign domination .
However , in the naval battle of Lissa ( July 1866 – Osterreiche Venezianische – Marine ) and the Battle of Custoza ( Verona ) , the Venetian People fights alongside the Austro – Hungarian empire against the invading Italian , while Italy , even today , falsely tries to pass these motions Risorgimento battles for Italian yarn .
At that time Austria and Prussia signed peace agreements , and forced Italians , isolated , to stop military operations and to accept an armistice .
As per the agreement of peace Austria gave the territories of the Republic of Venice to France , on the understanding that Napoleon III would allow a free referendum so that the people could decide whether to become Italian Veneto .
The Republic of Venice , but in a state of foreign occupation also military , has never agreed with anyone was their extinction or held a referendum about .
In violation of the terms already agreed between Austria and France , and despite the peace treaty signed in Vienna October 3, 1866 between the King of Italy and the Emperor of Austria which restricted the possible union of the territories of the Republic of Venice and the remaining territories under control Habsburg ( entrusted with the Congress of Vienna in 1815 ) " to reserve the consent of the people duly consulted ," the kingdom of Italy completed instead the military occupation of these territories .
There was great concern that there was great concern that the Venetian People would never freely expressed a willingness to be submissive to the Kingdom of Italy ; that's why , eluding the delivery of its territories for the legitimate representatives of the Republic of Venice , to enable the consultation of the Venetian People in conditions of freedom from foreign occupation, the plenipotentiary of the king of Italy , Count Thaon Revel , surreptitiously instructed ad hoc nominees , Count Luigi Michiel , Edoardo De Betta and Achilles – Emi Kelder , so representing the Venetian People receive from the French General Le Boeuf , Plenipotentiary of ' Emperor of France , the formal delivery of the territories of the Republic of Venice .
That fact is confirmed by the same Count Thaon Revel in his memoir " The Assignment of Veneto " where precise as the three chiefs had never been authorized to represent the People Veneto because he himself appointed to receive the territories from the French general , as in fact took place October 19, 1866 at a hotel in Venice .
This explains why the three nominees , after receiving formal territories of the Republic of Venice from the French general Le Boeuf , immediately ceded the sovereignty of the People Veneto and the territories of the Republic of Venice to Count Thaon Revel Plenipotentiary of the king of Italy .
In this regard , the Journal of Venice October 20, 1866 headlined :
" This morning ( 19 ) in a hotel room Europe has made the sale of the Veneto " .
The implementation of the so-called " referendum " held three days after the transfer of the territories of the Venetian Republic , namely October 22, 1866 , had the value of a mere farce , for compliance with the peace treaty signed in Vienna October 3, 1866 , organized and carried out by the occupation authorities and controlled by foreign military Italian .
For all these reasons also the current Italian foreign occupation of the territories of the Republic of Venice is considered illegal and illegitimate outset.
Since its occupation power Italian has erected a wall of silence around the real causes of forced national unity hiding the resistance flourishing Nations pre -unification and their free Peoples have opposed the invasion and Italian occupation .
The Italian Risorgimento is actually a myth nonexistent .
Real genocides , massacres , concentration camps and the exodus of peoples are the indelible mark and the price of the forced unification of Italy .
The mystification of the unification of Italy is an insult to the innocent victims , the fighters and patriots of the past and present who have defended and defended , even with the ultimate sacrifice of life , their Patrie that Italy wanted and wants erase from history .
Italy from the date of employment has done and continues to this day to colonize the Venetian Republic , to facilitate their economic domination of all human resources , financial, tax , economic, capital , natural, scenic and wildlife , historic and artistic .
It also prevents the Venetian People to decide freely their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural , depriving him even of its own means of subsistence .
In addition to these socio-economic processes , aiming to predation of resources without any interest for the development of the territory , if they have other , a socio-cultural level , no less devastating .
Taking advantage of the economic, political and military , the Italian foreign state exerts a real cultural imperialism with the imposition of the Italian language and a culture that does not belong to the People Veneto .
The People Veneto is victim of Italian because it is deprived of their property and their rights , and is also induced to take the values of the colonizers , to justify its arrogance , self blaming and develop a humbling sense of inferiority .
Every occasion is valid in an attempt to shame the Venetians of their own identity and their own language , the subject of a strong discrimination because of Italian nationalist politics , despite the strong local roots , is always less spoken .
The Venetian language , with its inflections and variations more or less pronounced , is a strong glue identity for the People Veneto and that is why it has been systematically attacked , banned in schools , from any field officer and often ridiculed .
The few rules for the protection of the Venetian language are not implemented.
Even all attacks and omissions regarding the Venetian language should be seen in an aggressive strategy that threatens not only the linguistic aspects , but it is time to subtract the total of goods and rights , in particular the inalienable right of the people to self-determination and the Veneto freedom .
Since its occupation , Italy has intentionally attempted to subdue the Venetian People in these conditions of existence which would entail both physical and cultural extinction ( diaspora Venetian ) ; Also according to the definition adopted by the UN constitute genocide , " acts committed with intent to destroy , in whole or in part , a national, ethnical , racial or religious group ."
The genocide is considered as a specific crime and as such incorporated in international law and the law of many countries .
We can not forget the historical truths hidden and shocking as those of sinkholes .
Still in 1962 , on the basis of secret agreements ( nr.57 / 62 ) with the Yugoslav government of Tito, Italy was financing the maintenance of slavery , paying by name food and clothing of prisoners istroveneti kept in a concentration camp within of a copper mine in Mitrovica  (former Yugoslavia), provided they do not return to their lands of origin .
Foibe were a GENOCIDE wanted by Italians and Yugoslavs to the detriment of the Venetian People, which continues today in the form of cultural oblivion and denial of political freedoms that lead to economic servitude.
The history of the Italian state emerges massacred and broken.
The founders and the " fathers " of the Italian republic , by De Gasperi in Togliatti , Pertini by Rossi, from Parri to Valiani Tito paid to extend the dominion even to the Garda , and paid until the 60 prisoners to keep the Venetians in the fields concentration Yugoslavs .
In this regard it recalls the great research work and denounced by Marco Pirina Director , since 1988 , the Center for Studies and Historical Research " Silentes loquimur" of Pordenone , known in Italy and in Europe to have made known through more than 600 conferences , in 20 years ,The tragedy of the sinkholes
To date, the Italian foreign state under the pretext of implementing targeted policies of welcome for immigrants , requires integration and facilitating settlements radicamenti settled on the Venetian territories of foreign culturally averse to the traditions , customs and habits of the Venetian People
Particularly poorly tolerated by the People Veneto is the tax residence of criminals matrix subversive mafia here confined regime of stay required and the systematic occupation of the top positions of the majority of Italian institutions .
The national liberation movements are qualified by their international legitimacy based on the right to self-determination , they achieve a significant position internationally because of their political goals , such as the fight to free themselves from colonial rule , by a racist regime or foreign occupation .
The principle of legitimacy of national liberation movements is that of self-determination .
Self-determination of the People Veneto is a real inalienable , non-transferable and imprescriptible , part of JUS cogens ( international law imperative) .
The only Venetian People has the legitimate exercise of this right erga omnes ( against all other states ) and only the national liberation movements are entitled to act on behalf of an entire people even internationally .
In light of these principles , for the decision and will of some Patriots Venetians , September 29, 2009 was established the National Liberation Movement of the People Veneto ( MLNV ) under and for the purposes of the rules of international law , as a legitimate expression of the right to self-determination of peoples enshrined in Article 1 paragraph 2 of the Charter of the United Nations signed in San Francisco on June 26 , 1945, entered into force on 24 October 1945 and the " International Covenant on Civil and political " adopted and opened for signature in New York December 19, 1966  ( ratified by the foreign state with Italian Law no . 881/77 ) .
Despite MLNV , since its formation , has always followed a rigorous path under international law and though the right of self-determination has been ratified by Law 881/1977 Italian legal value as state law prevails over domestic law ,   ( ref . the judgment of the Supreme Court in 1975 – Cass.pen . 21-3 in 1975 ), the Italian foreign state and has repeatedly attacked this pretext MLNV coming to contest the crime of paramilitary association for and punished by the Italian Legislative Decree n . 43 of 14 February 1948 , by imprisonment in jail for up to twelve years ( 12 years) , even in Despite the law 85 of 2006, for which work and organize themselves democratically to reach the Independence of their land by the Italian State is no longer considered a crime of opinion from its penal code .
The repressive activity Italian has developed against MLNV and its militants with repeated acts of armed aggression with blitz in private homes and in the seat of MLNV , subjected to searches, inspections and the looting of all capital goods , computers, media and computer equipment , mobile phones , cameras and camcorders , brochures , business cards , forms, personal , money , camouflage uniforms and rifles and dozens of guns , thousands of warheads and cartridge cases for ammunition , hundreds of ammunition and several weapons white and tactical knives combat and plunder , with contempt , many national flags of the Venetian Republic ,  symbols and emblems of MLNV .
The Italian foreign state has referred repeatedly and illegally militants MLNV to serious limitations of personal freedom , seized them , segregated and monitored at sight , subjected them to interrogation informal unspeakable violence and moral and psychological , has cataloged them as criminals , all in violation of the fundamental and inviolable human rights , civil and political referred to " International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights " adopted and opened for signature in New York on 16 and 19 December 1966 ( ratified also by the Italian foreign state with law no . 881/77 ) and also sanctioned by the Italian constitution .
With the abuse of the media tool , the occupation authorities have exhibited the Italian foreign weapons seized as part of the arsenal supplied to MLNV .
Some Italian MPs on 12 November 2009, in the session n . 245 , presented a written parliamentary question to answer no. 4-04996 addressed to the Italian Minister of the Interior , MLNV attributing to the value of a " dangerous paramilitary structure " subversive purposes and breakaway with a " planning target practice with firearms in mountain resorts and acts demonstration against the police Italian , foiled by the investigation and the early evidence gathered . "
Another violent and repressive attack against MLNV was then launched again by Italian MPs following a similar further act of aggression put in place by the Italian foreign occupation authorities submitting a parliamentary question to the Minister of the Interior Italian to know what measures intended to take " to prevent and combat the organization and activities of the association ' Polisia Veneta ' linked to the National Liberation Movement of the Venetian people ( MLNV ) " expressing ' ' concern about the risk of underestimating the operational capability and ideology of separatist paramilitary group linked to MLNV".  
On April 2, 2014 the Italian foreign state has launched by a special department of the army 's 4th armed force another serious act of aggression and repression against the National Liberation Movement of the People Veneto ( MLNV ) and against various associations and aggregations spontaneous Venetians and citizens against their militants with restrictive measures in prison and in isolation .
With this further act of aggression and repression Italian foreign occupation authorities have repeated armed raids in private homes and places of work .
These were subjected to searches, inspections and the looting of all capital goods , computers , media and computer equipment , mobile phones , a " tanko " ( tank ) in order to seek money , military uniforms , weapons , ammunition and or parts of they , armored vehicles and parts thereof , projects subversive actions , appropriate equipment to achievements of military action and tactical equipment , and technical drawings for the construction of weapons systems and readying craft of vehicles for military actions , false identity documents and / or counterfeit and false number plates vehicles as well as national flags of the Venetian Republic , projects subversive actions , symbols and emblems of the National Liberation Movement and the various associated groups .
Suspects and detained are charged with responsibility for the association of terrorism or subversion of democracy and Italian military training , instructions on the preparation and use of explosive materials, weapons of war , of chemical agents or bacteriological substances harmful or dangerous and other deadly
Dozens of suspects , including women , have been imprisoned in solitary confinement because they eclared themselves " prisoners of war " in front of the judicial authority of Italian foreign occupation .
considered that in international law it is only the nation victim of asserting their rights and their claims against the author was the violations of international law and therefore in this case this prerogative it is solely for the national liberation movements acting in the name of the whole people on the basis of the right to self-determination , the MLNV , through its institutional apparatus Veneto Provisional
in the name of the entire People Veneto cessation of the violation of national sovereignty of the Venetian Republic and the repair of the offense;
the international community to demand from the state foreign occupying Italian and by the United Nations to cease any impediment and hindrance to the exercise of the right of self-determination of the Venetian People , as well as legitimately claimed by this National Liberation Movement of the People with the Veneto " termination of employment ,
domination and colonization of the Nation Veneta by the Italian foreign state -Claiming Sovereignty of the People Veneto " deposited at the UN Geneva on 28 September 2010 and at the UN New York November 27, 2011 all still today ignored and disregarded as subsequent hundreds of communications, complaints , warnings and appeals .
On these occasions, the United Nations has thus demonstrated co-responsible with the state of the Italian foreign occupier to MLNV and subsequent attacks against Venetian People and its right to self-determination .
It is obvious the inaction of ' O.N.U. that hampered and refused any legitimate response to deposits documentary predicted .
With outrageous and unfair neglect has ignored its obligations to the legitimate demands of this MLNV , as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations ( UN General Assembly – resolution nr.2625 of 24.10.1970 ) .

Principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples .
By virtue of the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples , inserted in the Charter of the United Nations , all peoples have the right freely to determine , without external interference , their political status and to pursue their economic , social and cultural .
Every State has the duty to respect these rights in accordance with the provisions of the Charter .
Every State has the duty to promote individual actions or separated in order to realize the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples , in accordance with the provisions of the Charter , and to assist the UN in carrying out the tasks entrusted to it by the Charter to implement these principles ( … )
The establishment of an independent and sovereign state , free association or integration into an independent state , or the establishment of any political institution freely determined by a people ,
constitute as many ways to implement the principle of self-determination by that people.
States must refrain from acts of force to deprive peoples to which this declaration refers , of their right to freedom, independence and self-determination . In the resistance that these peoples oppose such actions to defend their right to self-determination , they have the right to ask for and get help from the international community in accordance with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations

VIII.  Equal rights and self-determination of peoples
28. The participating States will respect the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination , acting at all times in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and relevant norms of international law, including those relating to territorial States .
29. Under the principle of equal rights and of ' self-determination of peoples , all peoples have the right , in full freedom to decide when and how they want their political regime inside and outside, without external interference and to pursue as they wish their political, economic, cultural and social .
30. The participating States reaffirm the importance of universal respect for and the effective exercise by the peoples of equal rights and to ' self-determination for the development of friendly relations among themselves as among all States ; they also recall the importance of the elimination of any form of violation of this principle .
These rights belong to all people , and as such the Venetian People it is natural holder .
No political entity belonging to or forming part of Italian institutions , regions, provinces, municipalities , parties or movements can claim these rights in the name and on behalf of the People Veneto , (see judgment # 365 /2007 of the Constitutional Court ) , doing otherwise would incur in violation of article 5 of the Constitution affront to the integrity of the Italian state .
Is then only the People Veneto with its institutions that have the power to vindicate the rights that belong to him putting in check the delegitimization international status Italian .
the national liberation movements , as subjects of international law , by their nature can not be subject to the authority of foreign occupation , this MLNV , through its institutional apparatus Veneto Provisional Government , calls for the claims of the state to allow foreign occupier Italian and recognize the right of self-determination of the Venetian People ;liberation movements for the immediate cessation of all hostilities and repression and all law enforcement and hinder legitimate and legal activities of this MLNV and its Provisional Government Veneto on all the territories of the Venetian Republic , still illegally and illegally occupied .
Asks that this right is recognized by the international community .

( Ratified by Italy under Law 881/77 of 25 October 1977)
Part One – Article 1
All peoples have the right of self-determination .
By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural , ( the People Veneto is holder of such rights ) .
To achieve their ends , all peoples can freely dispose of their wealth and their natural resources without prejudice to any obligations arising from international economic cooperation , based on the principle of mutual benefit, and international law .
In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence , ( the People Veneto is holder of such rights ) .
The States Parties to the present Covenant , including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self and trust territories , shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination , and shall respect that right , in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of UN ( Italy should promote and respect the right of self-determination of the Venetian People ) .
Part Two – Article 2
Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant , without distinction of any kind, such as race , color , sex , language , religion , public opinion or any other opinion , national or social origin , property , birth or other status ,
Each State Party to the ( Italy must respect and ensure these rights without distinction ) .
Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to make , in keeping with its constitutional processes and with the provisions of this Agreement , the necessary steps for the adoption of legislative measures or otherwise as may be needed to give effect to the rights recognized in the present Covenant , unless this is done in the measures , legislative and otherwise , in force ( Italy has undertaken to give effect to those rights recognized Venetian People ) .
Charter of the United Nations ( UN General Assembly – resolution nr.2625 of 24.10.1970 )
Article 5:
" A member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council .
The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council . "
Article 6:
" A member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. "
this MLNV , since its formation , has never violated the principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations and international law in the national liberation movements have greater rights than were oppressors , we appeal to the states of the international community in order to give MLNV support , support and assistance in its struggle waged for the right of self-determination of the Venetian People , as well as to refrain from assisting the state oppressor Italian .
also that the militants of the command of this MLNV and members of the Provisional Government Veneto are housed and protected by third States for the time strictly necessary in order to continue securing the legitimate path of liberation of the Fatherland Veneta Italian occupation calling 0.for urgent implementation of the rules on the protection and immunity of persons acting on its behalf and appealing alternative to the right to asylum .

With honor and respect .
Venetia, Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Sergio Bortotto